Week 10: Discipline and the lack thereof

12:10 AM

I'm always a fan of social media, how it connects you to the people you love, to the ones that are far away, to update you whats happening in every continent, to give you the information that you need, and all that comes with it. I always check my accounts every now and then, every time I have free time, every time that I'm in an awkward situation, and every time that I feel the urge to stalk. I do always, all ways tweet, I say everything that I have in mind, positive, negative, realizations, rants, opinions, hate, grudge and all the crazy ideas that I have in my head.

One day I woke up, check my Twitter account and read different tweets from the people that I follow. My dashboard was flooded by negative things, hate here, rants there, sadness left, criticism right, arrogance up, and indirect thoughts down. I can't explain the feeling, all i know is that it was 7:30 in the morning and all these thoughts that I've read were corrupting my mind.

I browsed some of my tweets, and with my fair share, I do the same. I'm not going to act innocent here; I do the same, fellas. So there, I kept on thinking. Those are the things that I don't necessary need in my life. Why will I keep on drowning when I can save myself from it? So I choose to stay away.

I realized that I should not do things that will affect others in a bad way; Happiness is contagious just like negativity and stress. If my friends keep on reading my negative thoughts they will feel the same, and I don’t want that. I want the best for all of them.

To help me with the big change that I’m going to do, I bought a notebook. A little one that I can keep wherever I am, that I can tuck inside my pouch and randomly grab it when thoughts are starting to pour in my head. Been writing for several days already and it feels just right. I’m still checking Twitter and I still tweet when I have mentions but not the way that I did before. No more scanning of every sentence, over thinking what it is about, to who was that for, judgment, rolling of eyes and pressure.

I’m living my life now as not to be broadcasted to everyone. I love it.  I love that I have it all for myself. I love that I was able drag the negative things away from who I was. I’m grateful that God made me realized that it is not just about what you have, what you think, what you say, and what you read.

There is more to life than joining the latest trending topic, making fun of people who's life is nonsense, hating someone because she has the best of both worlds, rolling eyes at someone who voice out their opinions: None of them matters, none of them should be.

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