Week 34 - The Shenanigans

12:21 AM

It feels great to just wander around and discover God's beautiful creations. It’s very comforting to just lay and rest while hearing birds chirping, leaves rustling, dogs play around and wind breezing. What a beautiful place to live in right? I'm perpetually grateful that my home is surrounded with gigantic trees, green grass, blossoming flowers and healthy soil. My home is maybe few miles away from the city, but I have no complaints. My home is where I get tranquility, the only place where I need to go whenever I feel insane and my safe haven in finding deeper meaning. 

Hope you had a blessed and meaningful weekend just like mine.
If you’re having a bad day, take it easy. Take a deep breath and smile. 
Everything is going to be okay

Sharing with you my snapshots:

Peace, Love and Light.

xx, J

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